First Name
Last Name
My Current Personal Income:
My Current Net Worth:
My Current Giving Goal:
My Current Relationship Status:
My Current Weight/Body Fat Goal:
My Current Fitness Goal:
My Current Top Five Personal Values:
What would I like to have happen in my life this year?
What would I like to do, to accomplish?
What good would I like to attract into my life?
What particular areas of growth would I like to experience?
What block or limiting beliefs would I like to befriend?
Where would I like to go?
What would I like to experience in friendships and love?
What would I like to experience in my family life?
What problems would I like to see solved?
What would I like to experience in my work?
What new decisions would I like to make?
What do I want to feel more of this year?
What do I love most about where I live?
If I am not living in a place I love, where would that be and why?
Where in my life am I afraid to dream boldly?
Where in my life am I afraid to love audacious?
How might my life experience allow me to innovate powerfully as I create change in my life?
What would I do to make this the best year of sex I’ve ever experienced?
What am I most afraid of?
What am I most excited by?
How do I want to feel in my body?
What would happen if the greatest source of stress in my life dissolved in the next six months?
As a business owner…what do I enjoy most about my work?
What is my number one struggle in business?
When was the last time I raised my prices/fees?
What can I do this year to double lead flow?
What can I do to increase my conversion rate by 25%?
How can I be even more visible to my community as business owner?
Where am I sabotaging my own success as a business owner?
How can I create an atmosphere where my team members and contract team members feel deeply connected to the mission we are on?
If I am not a business owner but would like to start a business or side hustle… what would I do?
What lifetime skills, accomplishments, and experiences have prepared me for this moment - to start a business?
How will my life be different as a business owner?
How will my community be changed by my product or service?
When will I start this venture?
What inside of me says don’t do this?
Who will I become if I never take a chance on myself?
What would the most confident, bold, audacious version of me do?
You now allow yourself to dream...imagine we haven’t spoken in three years and we happen to run into each other at your favorite coffee shop. Tell me in vivid detail what your life is like now?
What are you most proud of accomplishing during this three year time period?
What has brought you the most joy during this three year time period?
What new decisions are you making during this three year time period?
What are you most grateful for during this three year time period?
What have you let go of during this three year time period?
Who have you forgiven during this three year time period?
My Personal Income Three Years From Now:
My Net Worth Three Years From Now:
My Business Revenue Three Years From Now:
My Business Net Profit Three Years From Now:
My Giving Goal Three Years From Now:
My Relationship Status Three Years From Now:
My Weight/Body Fat Goal Three Years From Now:
My Fitness Goal Three Years From Now:
Now write a detailed thank you letter to yourself about your life from three years ago. Note how your life has changed. Thank the person you were three years ago. Express how grateful you are for how far you’ve grown together. Honor the person you were from three years ago. The one who decided it was time to chase new dreams. The one who let you love with an open heart. The one who sparked innovative ideas to life. See, feel, and experience this shift.
Tell me...what do you love most about yourself?
What did you love to do when you were six years old?
What are your most painful memories?
How did they become a gift, later in life?
What's held you back the most over your life?
If you could laugh more and have more fun in life, what would you do?
What are you tolerating in your life or business?
What is the secret connection between your work today and what you loved to do as a kid?
What is the smallest action you could take today that would shift the trajectory of your entire life in minutes, as you take action now?
What is your biggest insight or takeaway from completing this activation review?
My life will be radically transformed faster than ever before, because I am committed to creating radical transformation, everyday in everway.
YES, absolutely!! I'm ready for this!
No, I do not want to change.